- Enhance the career perspectives of ESRs;
- Train and broaden their research skills bridging multidisciplinarity, intersectorial approach and crossdisciplinarity;
- Develop their communication and management skills across disciplines and sectors,
- Develop a new workforce for European research on a crucial target for risk-assessment.
To achieve these goals SALTGIANT ESRs will be trained at three levels : local, network-wide and external.
A Local, Individual Training
Each one of the 15 ESRs will take advantage of :
- – highest quality training in fundamental theoretical knowledge and technical skills provided by leading researchers in their respective fields;
- – state-of-the art research facilities and information resources.
The local training will be ensured by (i) the hosting institution and (ii) the private sector and/or academic partner that will host the ESR during at least one secondment period. During secondments, the ESR will address applied problems and gather knowledge and technical know-how for implementation in their research.
A Network-Wide Training
Network-wide training forms the backbone of SALTGIANT. Network-wide training events will foster intellectual exchanges between ESRs and will establish links between ESR projects and work packages. Altogether, each ESR will benefit from 2.5 months of network-wide training during the life of the network.
Network-wide training provides innovative, hands-on training in the form of :
Field courses
Three field courses are planned during the four years of the SALTGIANT project. These will help the ESRs to acquire a solid practice of key methods that form the basis of fundamental and applied earth and environmental sciences:
SALTGIANT Field Course 1 – Introduction to MSG geology (April 29th – May, 4th 2019)
The purpose of this field course is to introduce all ESRs to the geology of evaporite deposits and the fundamentals of MSG science. This Field course was open to external participants. See agenda of the event.
SALTGIANT Field Course 2 – Drilling training school (25th – 31st October 2021)
The purpose of this field course is to: (1) convey basic knowledge on borehole drilling/coring and downhole logging methods; (2) provide hands-on experience on core data description and logging data acquisition, processing and interpretation.
SALTGIANT Field Course 3 – Dead Sea hypersaline environments (21st – 25th November 2021)
The aim of this field course is to give ESRs direct access to one of Earth’s largest hypersaline systems, where numerous chemical and physical processes relevant to MSG science presently occur.
Short courses
Five short courses are planned during the four years of the SALTGIANT project. During these classes the ESRs will receive in-depth theoretical training in leading-edge scientific topics and techniques relevant to SALTGIANT research.
SALTGIANT Short Course 1 – Modern and ancient oceans (November, 25th to 29th 2019)
The purpose of this short course is to train SALTGIANT ESRs in the concepts and techniques used by geoscientists to reconstruct palaeoenvironments and palaeoceanographic processes by studying sediments and sedimentary rocks. For more information, see our post about the event.
SALTGIANT Short Course 2 (June 17th to 19th 2019) – Seismic data acquisition, processing, interpretation
The aim of this short course is to enable SALTGIANT ESRs to understand the principles of seismic data survey planning, acquisition and processing, and the principles of stratigraphic analysis and seismic-to-well-logs correlation. For more information, see our post about the Trieste events.
SALTGIANT Short Course 3 (October, 7th to 10th 2019) – Numerical and analogue modelling in the Earth Sciences
This short course gave to the ESRs an insight into the philosophy, methods, and applications of numerical and analogue modelling in the Earth Sciences. The event was open to external participants. For more information, see our post about the short course.
SALTGIANT Short course 4 – Social Sciences (June, 14th to 17th 2021)
SALTGIANT Short course 5 – Pre-history and history of salt use (4th – 6th October 2021)
Transferable skills training events
Four Transferable skills training events, organized by SALTGIANT partner SISSA Medialab, are planned during the four years of the SALTGIANT project:
Transferable skills training 1 – Communicating research and Scientific writing (November 28th – 29th 2018)
This course was held during the 1st SaltGiant workshop in Palermo (Sicily). The focus was on communication skills as part of the research activity and provided tools and techniques to transform research into a story that awakens the interest of the audience for which it was conceived.
Transferable skills training 2 – Creative science communication (June, 20th and 21st 2019)
This course was coupled to Short Course 2 and the 2nd SaltGiant workshop in Trieste (Italy). It offered participants a panorama of science communication challenges and best practices in formats such as public talks, radio interviews, policy briefs and news writing.
Transferable skills training 3 – Managing research (online event spread over April 2021)
This course will provide ESRs with the following training: Marketing (Marketing in Research/Projects, Social Media & Personal Branding, Marketing Strategy, Learning to Interview, Basics of Design Thinking), Leadership development (What is leadership and what is not, Leadership styles, Leadership in scientific environment) and Finance and budget (Accounting basics, Financial statements, Cash flow, Financial plans, Metrics definition, Tips and tricks for practical use).